Film and TV producers from Mumbai may not be able to even exercise the option of working outside Mumbai as the Apex body of all six major Film Federation Workers AIFEC has declared unconditional support for the strike. In a major show of support for the FWICE, the AIFEC core committee in its emergency meeting passed a resolution supporting the strike call by the Fwice and declared that their members would support the strike in any and every way possible. 
The AIFEC Gen. Secretary Shri B. Unnikrishnan, the renowned director from the Malayalam industry, stated that he had gone through the basic charter of demanded of the Fwice and was surprised and shocked that the producers had problems with signing it. He said " It seems that they (the producers ) are focussed on their own profits without caring at all for the health and welfare of their workers" While lauding the initiative of the Fwice the AIFEC President Shri G. Shiva (Fefsi) said that demands like no work beyond a 12 hour shift, 2 nd Sunday as compulsory holiday, demands for basic safety, sanitation and security to ensure dignity of women at the workplace cannot even be debated"
The Fwice President Shri Kamlesh Pandey was very vehement in stating that the attitude and dealings of most producers showed scant respect for human rights and labour laws. Due to there being no guidelines for functioning they have been taking the workers for a ride. Shri Amit Behl (Sr. Vice President Fwice) stated that the situation has reached a boil where the artistes, workers & technicians did not want to take any more. People were collapsing on the sets and being hospitalised. Governmental labour laws were thrown out of the window to just show more profits.
With the hardening of stands of both the sides, the battle lines are drawn and it remains to be seen what the future holds in store for all concerned.


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